
Ruby Jewell in Ohatchee (1931-2020)

My female relatives have always been feisty and inspiring while simultaneously, we are collectively a frustrating bunch, lol. I come from complex roots. Wanted to "repost" (to archive) my podcast episode Ruby Jewell in Ohatchee from June 15, 2022, on what would have been my Ruby Grandma's  πŸ’–πŸ•Š91st birthday. Today is officially six months to the day of that inaugural podcast, and so much has transpired, I should have been documenting more fully! However, I am full force into my Ph.D. in Public History (Historic Preservation), so I haven't gotten to host as many episodes as I had initially planned.  Have to give myself permission to give me some grace. πŸ˜‰πŸ€—πŸ’™She would encourage that, too, though she worked so hard, herself-always setting these often unattainable productivity standards (which I think I earned) for herself!  I miss  Ruby Grandma  all the time and draw inspiration from her mantras and witticisms. I can smell some fried green tomatoes and okra frying or t

Please Consider Donating... (WisRoc Learning Center)

Image Please consider donating! Any amount helps. My amazing friend Abiola Williams ( McGarrell Seville ) & former co-teacher (we taught kindergarten together at Purpose Prep) has created a pod for students whose parents desperately need in-person education vs. Zoom/online during the pandemic. She is trying to finance a building for a larger space for her learning center: WisRoc Learning ! I know $ is tight for many during this time. However, education is so important & she is doing great things for people in our community. #PleaseConsider #education #students #teaching #teachers #finance #entrepreneur #supportBlackwomen #children #literacy #STEAM #Covid19 #pandemiceducation Us in New Jersey for a training in 2015! <3  (l to r: Ms. Winston, Mrs. Bancroft, Mrs. Williams, & myself) Us, on the the subway headed into NYC! <3 Love you, lady!  Spring 2015 with our #KBabies during "choice time!" #Harvardforever <3  College Spiri

Musical Healing (My Praying)...

If you have become hardened to Biblical or religious hypocrisies in general (btw, that is humans tainting it-not deities & spirits)... If you can't focus (due to deep anguish, anxiety, depression, etc...) to work, rest, read a self health article, much less a book... If you have talked to your friends and family so much about the same shit and now feel like a burden... Sometimes only music can help/ save you!  Last fall 2019, I took my life back! I "asserted" myself as a woman to an "extreme" sense for me; it was possibly just a Tuesday/ Saturday for some of my less stifled friends (lol-E makes me think of our convos)... I would lay on the couch, in the tub (poor Shelly & D.W., lol-sorry yall: #friendslikefamily), just staring... zoned tf out. I would try to fill the pain and confusion with noise. Noise though does not have to come from speaking... I saw other friends healing from their shit... Why couldn't I? I could not focus. I could not fathom be

17 Days to Convince a Nation...

The United States will elect a new President or re-elect Donald Trump 17 days from today, Tuesday, November 3rd.  I put this video in my Instagram stories yesterday-but think it deserves a permanent post and analysis. I have been encouraged to share my blog more publicly lately (thanks Jasmyn Wright  <3 #PushThrough). I will start doing so with this post here (in my -where you can find some links to other writing I have done, this year+) & on all social media platforms. Beyond politics, it covers subjects like social justice, mental health: relationships & generational trauma, education (K-12 + Higher Education), health, & travel.  There are so many connections between this local 1898 Wilmington, North Carolina election from the video and 2020's political election.  Sometimes parties use propaganda to achieve their goals/manipulation.  In this 1898 election, they slandered Black leadership, any whites who supported and worked with them (Populist


I have an acquaintance who I met on Instagram. She is inspiring and literally "Pushes Through" everything :)! In fact, she even created a mantra about it and has gone world-wide with her message. It started out in her classroom. I even taught it to my students a couple of years. She did it for a GAP kids commercial, with the Philadelphia Eagles, and on the news once with Michael Strahan.  Now, she travels the globe giving speeches. I saw recently she had given a TedX Talk in Dover, Delaware ( A TEDx Talk is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes ).  I said to myself, I will manifest that one day for myself-giving a Ted Talk. The college I am an English Professor for (TSU-in Nashville) emailed all staff and students about a Virtual Honor's College T.E.D. Talk regarding topics like social justice, politics, the pandemic, or any important information that can inform or persuade an audience in September. I was in shock. Was this some s